




What We Do

What We Do

What We Do




What We Do

What We Do

What We Do

We offer personalized services from drug development to clinical trials. Our expertise includes CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls), Regulatory, IMP (Investigational Medicinal Product) and QA (Quality Assurance) management and support, maintaining high standards required for the development of biotechnology products.

We offer personalized services from drug development to clinical trials. Our expertise includes CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls), Regulatory, IMP (Investigational Medicinal Product) and QA (Quality Assurance) management and support, maintaining high standards required for the development of biotechnology products.

We offer personalized services from drug development to clinical trials. Our expertise includes CMC, (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls), Regulatory, IMP (Investigational Medicinal Product) and QA (Quality Assurance) management and support, maintaining high standards required for the development of biotechnology products.

We provide services that are both specific and cross-functional, whether you require focused expertise on a particular theme or comprehensive support across the entire pharmaceutical value chain. You can choose to collaborate with a dedicated consultant or a cohesive team that works seamlessly together to meet your unique needs. 
We have the flexibility to tailor our approach. 

We provide services that are both specific and cross-functional, whether you require focused expertise on a particular theme or comprehensive support across the entire pharmaceutical value chain. You can choose to collaborate with a dedicated consultant or a cohesive team that works seamlessly together to meet your unique needs. 
We have the flexibility to tailor our approach. 

We provide services that are both specific and cross-functional, whether you require focused expertise on a particular theme or comprehensive support across the entire pharmaceutical value chain. You can choose to collaborate with a dedicated consultant or a cohesive team that works seamlessly together to meet your unique needs. 
We have the flexibility to tailor our approach. 

At INITS, transparency is essential. Each new request undergoes a thorough evaluation by our experienced team to determine if we have the capabilities to meet your needs.

At INITS, transparency is essential. Each new request undergoes a thorough evaluation by our experienced team to determine if we have the capabilities to meet your needs.

At INITS, transparency is essential. Each new request undergoes a thorough evaluation by our experienced team to determine if we have the capabilities to meet your needs.

For inquiries or to explore how our services can benefit your specific needs

For inquiries or to explore how our services can benefit your specific needs

For inquiries or to explore how our services can benefit your specific needs

Bringing expertise and agility to biotech companies.

© 2024 INITS. All rights reserved

Bringing expertise
and agility to biotech companies.

© 2024 INITS. All rights reserved